Integrant Labs Open for Business

March 06, 2020

Integrant means a part of a whole, usually a very important part. We provide the services that your company needs to get the job done. We only employ very experienced developers that have been screened for particular traits that we believe are fundamental to providing value to our customers. We don’t have siloed knowledge that let’s us down when we come across something new. We are experts in intuition, build on a foundation of strong memory recall and supplied with an abundant quantity of experiential learning across different technologies. We are builders, not maintainers. We have experience at enterprise level to get the job done and deploy to Production with all necessary governance and review. Having worked with consults we have found there is a focus to deliver the product fast. That product is not always robust, performant, deployable or maintainable.

We have learnt our lessons through years of experience. We don’t want to follow that path. Our employees are all trained as computer scientists, not PhDs with a knack for stats and numbers. When we need a genius we can hire one for that purpose but we don’t let them build the foundations.

Our development philosophy is founded on Verified Specification, Test Driven Development, Agility through Refactorable Architecture, Building Minimum Viable Product followed by Road Map driven features, Continuous Deployment and Infrastructure as Code.

Integrant Labs is about the balance between work and play. We recognise that developers are most productive when they are inspired. To this end our philosophy is on providing a balance between the work that funds the company and the work that developers really want to do.

This is where we get the Labs into our name. Our Labs will be developing in house software with a focus on Data Processing tools. Our flagship product, Integrant DataStream will be open sourced once MVP status is reached. This will be a simple ETL tool with no financial catches. Stay tuned for future tech blogs that may feature elements of DataStream’s evolution.